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Hear from our music leader and read about our programs

St. Mark’s Anglican Church enjoys a strong musical tradition that is integral to our worship and raises the profile of the church in non-religious settings. The parish rejoices in having outstanding acoustics in its heritage building, which enhances our weekly Choral Eucharist and special events during Holy Week and Christmas.

The church features a two manual, 14 rank Gabriel Kney tracker organ (1986), which supports our diverse and carefully selected choral and instrumental repertoire. This repertoire spans from the Renaissance through the Classical and Romantic periods to the present day, drawn with care, sensitivity, and expertise.

Almost all services are choral Eucharists, with hymns selected from the Book of Common Praise and other sung parts following the Anglican Use Gradual. The Book of Alternative Services is used at all services, alternating weekly between traditional and contemporary language, with the exception of the Wednesday Evensong (BCP), which maintains its unique tradition.





Our choirs prepare for annual services, including Lessons and Carols for Advent and for Christmas, and Tenebrae (Good Friday evening). A summer series of hour-long recitals in the church’s lovely acoustic features a variety of performers on Wednesday evenings annually.

The parish also has a proud history of welcoming visiting choirs and music groups from Canada, the US and Britain including:

- Toronto Welsh Male Voice Choir
- Ontario Youth Choir
- St Mary Magdalene Church Choir (Toronto)
- Ladue Chapel Handbellringers (St Louis MO)
- Gloucester Cathedral Choir (UK)
- Christ’s College and Selwyn College Chapel Choirs (Cambridge UK)
- Hatfield College Chapel Choir (Durham UK)

Special Music Events
Gabriel Kneypipe Organ


Dating from 1986, our fine Gabriel Kneypipe organ is a vital part of the parish’s musical life, both for worship and in concert. The Kney firm is recognized for outstanding small organs of the highest quality of sound.

Every detail of the playing mechanism is finely-detailed to allow the organist complete control with a sensitive and light touch. High-quality metal pipework from Europe was carefully voiced by the Kney firm to provide the finest tone in our acoustic

Gabriel Kney’s firm has important instruments scattered across North America, and he provided St Mark’s with an instrument of great beauty.


Gabriel Kney, 1986
London, Ontario

Gabriel Kneypipe Organ Specifications
Gabriel Kneypipe Organ Manuals
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